Balcony Singer Reported

NRJ Singer FinedOur Spanish hosts wear their hearts on their sleeves, so when they feel something, they show it; hence the balcony applause, amongst other things.

Not being able to go out, flat balconies became a connection with neighbours across the way and it wasn’t long before lots of communal activities were born, such as bingo, stand up comedy, mini art displays and concerts.

All this brings us to the professional singer who decided to grace his neighbours with a free, live concerts, from his balcony in the centre of Nerja (Calle Antonio Millón)

Yes, 45-year-old, Miguel González, was the “life and soul of the party” when 20.00h came each evening, knocking out hits from the recent past, including what has become the pandemic anthem, Resistiré.

But not everybody was happy with it – there’s alway one – who complained to the Town Hall. There followed visits from the Policía Local asking him to desist from his melodic pastime

He admitted that he never imagined that somebody singing could bother somebody so much that they would complain to the authorities.

(News: Nerja, Axarquia, Costa del Sol, Malaga, Andalucia)


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