Salobreña’s water supply will no longer depend on the Calle Antequera water tank, but on the one in the Matagallares area of the municipality.
There has been a water tank in Matagallares since 2004 with a capacity of 20,000 cu/m but with a budget of 654,000 euros the town will no longer have to count on the deteriorated, Calle Antequera one as it’s main supply tank.
This project overhauls the whole system, starting with the wells (Pozos del Sotillo) and including the existing water tanks, the connections between them and the whole mains-water, distribution system.
One of the benefits of this will be a uniformed water pressure all over town, as well as establishing a control point for chlorine levels in the water supply.
There will also be another supply artery within the network to add to the only existing one coming from the Matagallares water tank. The new one will come through the industrial estate on the other side of the main road to guarantee the water supply even if the original one goes down.
(News: Salobrena, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)
Reader’s Question: “In Matagallares, how do I transfer the water bill to myself as a recent inhabitant?” – Ruy Alves
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