Salobreña Beach Beef

SAL Beach ProtestThe Asociación Playas de Salobreña are fed up says their chairman, José Manuel Martínez; two years of broken pledges have worn out their patience.

As a result of their last meeting with the Mayor, María Eugenia Rufino, a couple of weeks ago, they have decided to protest in front of the Town Hall on Saturday the 4th of this month.

The chairman pointed out that their association comprises  28 block comunidades, which means that they represent some 4,000 property owners in the said blocks. Most of these property owners don’t live there full time but a quarter of them do.

Passersby in that eastern end of the beach can see banners hanging from flat balconies demanding that the authorities take care of area. The fact is, they feel abandoned and ignored by the bods in the Town Hall: the gardened areas are unkept, probably because the contract for the new company hired to take care of the beaches doesn’t commence until the summer begins.

They know that as the local elections are coming up on the 26th of May, they might get some response if they protest on the 4th, but no matter who occupies the Mayoralty after the 28th, the association will be there to remind them of the problem.

In fact, the association has compiled a list of all the defects along the beach and send a copy to each of the parties taking part in the elections… for good measure.

(News: Salobrena, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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