The appearance of a mysterious slick or stain off Salobreña’s beach during the summer caused headaches for the Town Hall and indignation from bathers.
There was speculation whether it was escaping sewage, industrial waste or something else equally insalubrious.
Well, the Town Hall, the Mancomunidad de Costa Tropical and the Guardia Civil environmental department (SEPRONA), as well as the Aula del Mar belonging to the University of Granada have all been involved in an investigation into its origin.
“We still don’t know what it is, but we know what it isn’t; it’s not a detergent nor waste from the sewers,” explained Mayor María Eugenia Rufino, adding, “but to date we cannot confirm that it is organic; an algae or plankton, although indications are pointing in that direction.”
The lasts mysterious appearance was a recent as the first week of this month, but now with the summer over, the Town Hall is diverting its efforts from clearing it up so as not to alarm bathers, to concentrating on finding out just what the hell it is.
(News: Salobrena, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)