In a few months time, you will be able to pay by bank card in the majority of establishments as along as the sum is 30 euros or over.
How many times have you been informed, “I’m sorry, but we don’t except card payments”? Well, not any more.
The new law that’s in the pipeline, Servicios de Pago was approved in the Board of Ministers meeting on the 18th of May. It will obligate many economic activities to conform by using TVP (card-payment terminals).
The affected sectors include bars, restaurants, chiringuitos, as well as mechanical workshops (garages), hairdressers, some convenience stores, amongst others.
In fact, this law goes further than the EU Directive, which doesn’t force businesses to use card payment, but does force them to accept payment other than cash.
The Spanish Government has also taken the opportunity to improve card users’ protection against card theft. Up until now, the maximum amount that card owners had to assume if their card has been use fraudulently was 150 euros; when the law comes into being this quantity will be reduced to only 50 euros.
Furthermore, the period that the bank has to process a reclamation is shortened from two months down to 15 days.
(News: Spain)