Almuñécar Kenpo Event

Sports kenpo ja18 2event of the Liga Andaluza de KenpoFancy a bit of Kenpo? Well, the Municipal Sports Pavilion José María García in Almuñécar will be hosting the first 2018 on January 20th.

So, what is Kenpo? Personally I thought it was a brand of instant coffee, but I am reliably informed that is the name used to describe a form of multiple martial arts which was developed in Hawaii that came about after cross-cultural exchanges between Okinawan, Chinese, Filipino and Japanese martial arts, with a few other outside influences thrown into the mix to end up with what is now known by the modern term Kenpo.

Back to the event on January 20th… which is coming to Almuñécar by virtue of the collaboration between the Andalusian Federation of Karate, Adakka CD de Almuñécar and the Almuñécar Municipal Sports Board.

The head of CD Adakka de Almuñécar, Miguel Rivas Domínguez said, “This first phase will focus on kata and personal defense and will take place between 9.30am and 1.30pm, we are expecting some 200 Kenpo practitioners from clubs in Granada, Jaén, Malaga and Almería.”

“The idea is to grade the competitors and access at what level they are able to compete in the upcoming Championship of Andalusia, which, by the way, will be held in Almuñécar on February 10th.” Concluded Rivas Domínquez.

(News/Sports: Almunecar, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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