Cheese Against Cancer

ALP Cheese Against CancerMaster Cheesemaker, Isabel Orantes, together with a Junta bigwig and the Vice Chairman of the Mancomunidad for the Alpujarra, presented a scheme to help in the fight against cancer.

The title of the endeavour is Solidad entre Montañas and aims to heighten awareness about the disease through several activities that will highlight health habits, prevention and early detection, as well as the importance of medical research being carried out at Granada University.

Prize-winning cheeses, Venta del Chaleco, will bear a label with the project’s logo and can be purchased either in the dairy’s shop, as well as other distribution points.

Now, we’re not talking about any old cheese but ones that were recognised as being amongst the best in the world (mature goatcheese with Thyme and semi-mature goat cheese) at the most import international gastronomic event of 2016: International Cheese Festival and the World Cheese Awards 2016.

The Master Cheesemaker at Lácteos Lanjarón S. L., Isabel Orantes, said that it had been “a complete honour” to be able donate their cheese for such a noble cause

(News: Lanjaron, Alpujarra, Granada, Andalucia)

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