Herradura Parking Problems?

TLHR Parking Problem OnLhe socialist opposition party in La Herradura are demanding that the governing council find solutions to the village’s summer parking & traffic problems.

They say that the traffic and parking problems are not something new but something that comes around every summer.

La Herradura is not different to any coastal town when it comes to summer traffic; where do you put all the extra cars?

“We cannot sell the village as a first-class tourist town if parking is a veritable Odyssey.” said PSOE Councillor, Pablo Ruiz Díaz, urging the coalition council to find “land plots for parking” and to give over the running of such a parking areas “to charitable associations.”

The opposition councillor also lamented the lack of adequate municipal police presence in La Herradura, in his opinion.

Both problems, he considers should be tackled with foresight and not tackled in an improvised manner once the summer begins.

(News: Herradura, Costa Tropical Granada, Andalucia)

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