Since it was inaugurated in July this year, Restaurante FIRMVM in Almuñécar has been making a name for itself in quality.
Restaurante FIRMVM is not only becoming a culinary ‘must’ in Almuñécar but is also becoming a gastronomic reference point along the coast, as well.
With this objective in mind, this restaurant put on its first Jornada Gastronómico on 8th of November, centred upon an autumn theme, attracting the curious and converted alike
The restaurant takes its name from the Roman name for Almuñécar, Sexi Firmvm Ilium, meaning, more or less, faithful Roman city.
It has four areas; three interior and one exterior: there is the main dining area, an informal tapa area and a private room for events, as well as the outside terrace.
The standard of cuisine is high and the tapas are very original. It can be described as based on innovation but inspired by traditional gastronomy, employing all the modern cooking techniques.
It is one of the few establishments in the province where you pay for your tapas, but these are no ordinary tapas!
The first words on the menu are: Firmvm wants to make you happy, and according to the Tripadvisor write ups, it does precisely that.
Restaurante FIRMVM, Plaza damasco, 2 – Almuñécar, Tel 958 633 565
(News/Business: Almunecar, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)