Salobreña is hosting an exhibition of photos taken at different stages of exhumation of bodies from the mass grave in Melegís.
The exhibition, which will be open to the public until Friday the 21st at the Biblioteca Municipal, is entitled: Recuperando Dignidades: trabajos de exhumación de la Fosa común de Melegís.
The grave contained the 19 bodies of Republican militia men who were trapped and captured by advancing Italian forces and Nationalist soldiers from Órgiva.
The Mayor of Salobreña announced that the memorial to the Desbandá, which is on the roundabout over the river mouth, well be named in honour of the Canadian doctor, Norman Bethune, who helped treat the fleeing masses of civilians and retreating Republican militiamen along the coast, straffed from the air, shelled from the sea by a Nationalist cruiser and constantly harassed by the advancing fascist Italian troops.
(News: Salobreña, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)