The Ministry of Public Works has had its Road Department out, sprucing up the N-340 – superficially, that is.
The N-340 where it passes over Río Verde in Almuñécar had its railings changed, as they were rusting. Crews have also been out painting the inside of the tunnels in Taramay and Cotobro, using whitewash on the walls and tinkering with the lights.
In the meantime, seasonal traffic is building up and the real problems; i.e., underneath Urbanización Alfamar, where the Salobreña and Almuñécar border lies, is still as bumpy as ever, with even a few cracks appearing on the road surface again.
However, on a positive note, as far as that stretch is concerned, machinery has been moving earth and raising the surface just over the other side of the crash barrier in what looks to be the preparation of a temporary ‘route’ whilst the actual road surface is dealt with.
If that is the case, perhaps the summer isn’t the best time to attempt it… just saying!
(News: Almunecar, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)