Not Just A Roundabout…

Motril has finished sprucing up its biggest traffic roundabout, which is the one under the N-340, where the port road runs. The Mayor (still) Carlos Rojas never lost the opportunity to have one more photograph of himself taken, this time standing with a suitably triumphant grin over the huge town-shield design, flower bed.

The centre island of the roundabout has an area of 9,588 sq/m and has been kitted out with an automatic drip-feed irrigation system, ornamental lighting, flower beds and lawn… plus the odd Eastern European dwarf that was smuggled into the country under false pretences, for the purpose of posing as a garden gnome. Throw in a handful of palms and a troupe of monkeys and it’s a great place to abandon your mother-in-law.

Anyway, we’re pretty busy getting the hard copy out, so reporting and journalistic professionalism has taken a bit of a back seat at the moment… just in case you hadn’t noticed.

(News: Motril Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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