The squabble between Torrenueva and its ertswhile masters, Motril has finally come to a peaceful conclusion, terminating in a document signed by the leaders of both towns. This was a dispute that even had the Torrenueva Mayor, Manuel Carrascosa, staging a sit-in within the Motril Town Hall, refusing to budge until “Torrenueva got what Torrenueva deserved.”
The deal is the following: The Motril Town Hall, instead of making yearly payments, will hand over funds that belong to Torrenueva on a monthly basis, which amounts to around 100,000 euros a month. Both sides have accepted the said amount, which corresponds to the taxes levied in Torrenueva by the Motril tax-collection department, but at a flat rate to avoid further discord.
According to the Vice-Mayor and Councillor for Economy for Motril, José García Fuentes, a bundle of services has been set up for Torrenueva. They will never have to hand over cash and can run up a bill to a maximum of 1,100,000 euros (equivalent to eleven monthly payments received).
So its cuddles and kisses all round, with Torrenueva dropping the two lawsuits that they have out against Motril. For anybody who is confused by this ‘relation’ between the two towns, Torrenueva was merely a municipal annex to Motril, but recently won its semi-independence, using the ELA arrangement, (Entidad Local Autonómica, or local autonomous entity).
(News: Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)