Mainstreet Further Delayed

A month further on and there is finally some news about what is happening with the road works in Lanjarón. After speaking with some people involved in the work, it transpires that work will not be finished by the end of February.
The foreman reportedly explained, “The problem has been the continuous rain, which has put the work 35 days behind schedule, and with the weather not improving much, we don’t expect to be finished until May, maybe even midway through June is not out of the question.”
The shops and other businesses are extremely angry at the delays, as they have practically no business at all. Occasionally, the odd tourist does try to get to the shops, but soon turns back.
The pavement work seems to be advancing, but the road is impossible to pass, as it is completely full of mud and puddles.
The workmen seem able to do little, apart from attempt to pump out the water, but they appear to be making little progress.
I am so sick of that mud, and it seems local people feel the same, as one person said to me recently, they have never seen so few people in the streets. Let’s hope for some progress soon.

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