Road Works in Town

Concerning the roadworks in town – on Calle Nueva and Av. Federico Garcia Lorca, the first has been a mess for over six months now – due, as reported earlier, to contractor problems, which, according to a well-informed funcionario in the Town Hall, are not easily solved. Legal requirements dictate that the entire bidding process must be repeated!

Av. Federico Garcia Lorca is a slightly different case, in that the merchants directly affected by the absence of parking and difficulty of pedestrian access to their premises have been up in arms – not just over the timing of the work during the important pre-Christmas period (which, apparently, is dictated by the terms of the funding) – but by the lack of progress and the absence of any straight answers from the Town Hall.

Apparently, the answer they get to any given question depends on the day of the week, the phase of the moon, who is blaming whom for what on any particular day and if the person being asked has yet had their morning coffee.

The cynics among you might wonder if things would be different in either of these cases were any of our noble councillors to have their homes or businesses directly affected. You might think that; I could not possibly comment.

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