Pedalling Against Cancer

MOT Reto tresmilesThe AECC presented the Motril Councillor for Tourism, Alicia Crespo, an official cyclist shirt (maillot) from the Reto CeroTresmiles campaign as gesture of gratitude.

The said cycling event took place on Saturday the 2nd with around 30 participants setting off from Motril’s beaches and ascending to 3,000 up the Sierra Nevada.

But these were not professional cyclists but people who had beaten cancer – This was a cycle ride that would be a challenge for even the fittest in peak condition, so the merit is double in the case of these admirable competitors.

The riders were divided into two groups with the slower average-speed group setting off at 08.00h, whilst the second, faster group, set off half an hour later, reaching the finishing line at half six in the evening. But they weren’t along because the the riders were accompanied their families and friends.

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The AECC organised the event, with the collaboration of the Motril Town Hall, in order to show people who are suffering from cancer that you can lead a normal life having beaten cancer, as well as raise general awareness in the members of the general public to the need for supporting with donations the investigations into early cancer detection and its cure.

(News/Events: Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucía)

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