A law court has decided that a man who died of a heart attack at home should be considered a work-related death. Why? Because he has just been informed that he had been sacked.
Tag Archive for waiter
Bob, A Toke & A Cock
by Martin Myall •
Hostelry Staff Shortage
by Martin Myall •
Fine Reduced as Unemployed
by Vivienne Hughes •
Porn Star Hopeful Drowns
by Hugh MacArthur •
Waiter Copies Credit Card
by Hugh MacArthur •
The Supreme Court has confirmed a waiter’s 5-year, prison sentence for cloning a diners’ credit card at the restaurant where he worked.
Terrace Umbrella Accident
by Hugh MacArthur •
Today has seen strong gusts of hot wind and one of them swept up a chiringuito terrace umbrella in Salobreña and hurled it against a waiter.
Spaniard Murdered in Bournemouth
by Martin Myall •
A 23-year-old Spaniard from Coin in Málaga was murdered in Bournemouth. Sergio Retamar, who had been working there as a waiter, had told friends that his flatmate was ‘loco.’