Tag Archive for twitter

Passing on Hoaxes

Hoaxes propagate faster on social media than the coronavirus does on the streets; you can expect the latter, but what sickness spreads the former?

Chiringuitos Upset

The chiringuitos on the Costa Tropical are not happy bunnies over a Guardia Civil warning on their Twitter account about foreign coins being handed over amongst change.

Close Second

Do you remember the competition by the private TV channel, Antena 3, to decide on Spain’s Nº1 beach? Well Maro came Second! Yes out of all the beaches in Spain, which is a peninsular, don’t forget, Maro obtained 57,299 votes, which was barely 3,000 fewer than the winner.

Wonky World x 3

Three Wonky World articles, including Twittering jurors cause a retrial, don’t try to mug an MMA fighter even if you have a gun and being Mark Zuckerburg…or not.