The renovation work on Plaza Abderramán in Almuñécar has dragged on so long, into summer, that people are up in arms about it.
Tag Archive for Plaza Abderramán
Barefoot Across Spain
by Louise Powell •
(COH01) Julia Chi Taylor completed an amazing feat: running barefoot from the north coast of Spain to Almuñécar in aid of charity.
Calle Bikini Roadworks
by Martin Myall •
In Almuñécar it was the turn of Calle Bikini to get the treatment; an underground overhaul of its drainage system, etc.
Textile Recycling Containers
by Hugh MacArthur •
Locals will have noticed the appearance of a new type of recycling bin on the streets of Almuñécar and La Herradura – these ones are for old clothes. All told there are twelve of them.