Textile Recycling Containers

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERALocals will have noticed the appearance of a new type of recycling bin on the streets of Almuñécar and La Herradura – these ones are for old clothes & footwear. All told there are twelve of them.

They can be found at the following locations: Avenida Salobreña, Plaza Abderramán, Calle Guadix, Calle Amelia Sánchez Alcázar, Avenida Costa del Sol and Plaza Nueva in La Herradura

Around 90% of the old clothing collected is recycled – about 8% corresponds to footwear. Clothes that can’t be salvaged end up being used for making threads, mop heads and seat fillings, amongst other things.

The contract went to the East-West company, who will pay just over ten thousands euros a year for the contract lease, so there’s obviously money to be made by the said company.

(News: Almunecar/Herradura, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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