Tag Archive for Caritas

Leather and Milk

The bikers’ club, Tiburones from Almuñécar, in between roaring around the countryside and pulling wheelies at every opportunity, has donated 2,000 litres of milk to Cáritas.

Twenty Thousand Surviving on Charity

The Spanish Catholic Church charity organization, Cáritas, attended to over 20,000 people in need in the province of Granada alone during 2013. Cáritas in its annual report pointed out that 13,117 of that number are from the city itself.

And Now for the Good News…

Juan Antonio from the province of Badajoz in Extremadura won 36m euros on the Euro Jackpot just over a year ago and he is convinced that God gave him it so that he could help others.

Record Unemployment in Salobreña

The IU councillor, Ángel Coello will present a motion in the next plenary meeting of the Town Council to create an employment plan and job reserve as a means of combating rising unemployment in the town, which presently stands as 1,558. “There are many families that have used up all their unemployment benefit entitlement and…

More Poor

Almost one thousand Almuñequeros have approached Cáritas (church charity) because they have no money to even buy food.