... Or better said, somebody stole them. Yes, it's true, Carchuna/Calahonda woke up one morning to see their flags... gone!
The flags were supposed to be fluttering where they always were, on the beach but instead there stood six naked flag poles… shivering!
“This morning, we woke to the sad image of the theft of all our flags on Playa de Calahonda; a damaging act against the image of our towns [Carchuna & Calahonda],” read a Town-Hall communique.
It concluded with, “We ask that our street furniture and public image be respected.”
Editorial comment: note that I heroically avoided using the title, “Is Nothing Sacred?” One day, I’ll tell you about Ben Osborne and the flag flying on Plaza de Madrid, 1982…
(News: Carchuna/Calahonda, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)