Two co-defendants are off the hook in the case against the Mayor of Motril for the misuse of public funds, but she's still facing prosection.
Mayor Luisa García Chamorro entered an appeal after receiving news that her companions in the party who held positions that oversaw the alleged misuse of funds had walked free but the tribunal rejected it on Monday.
The Mayor had allegedly satisfied an indemnity that she had been ordered to pay, but with party funds instead of her own personal funds.
In 2016, Mayor García Chamorro was the Vice-Chairwoman of the Provincial Council in charge of Public Works, amongst other responsibilities, when she was found guilty of grevious slander over statements that she had made at a press call against the ex-Manager of Visogsa (state housing agency).
She now stands accused of making two transfers of local, party funds on the 4th and 7th of November, 2019 for a total of 4,600 euros to her own private account in order to pay the fine levied upon her by a law court over the guilty sentence of having committed slander.
(News: Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)