A driver went over the side of a barranco in Nigüelas (Valle de Lecrín) falling 40 metres vertically and managed to stagger out of the wreck, although seriously injured.
Luckily for the driver, who is in his mid 30s, somebody had seen what happened and had contacted 112, who sent out a Guardia Civil, rescue helicopter to winch him out of the barranco.
They landed nearby to get the stretcher into the chopper before setting off for Hospital Virgen de las Nieves in Granada, which specialised in traumatology and neurosurgery.
The Granada-city, fire service also participated in the rescue but it was impossible to reach him without the helicopter.
The driver somehow drove off the track that leads up to the Mirador de Nigüelas (El Razuelo). The lane to the Mirador is tarmacked but once you drive past the auditorium-cum-amphitheatre, it’s a dirt track lined with trees.
At the end of this lane (where the accident occurred) is where they hold the clay-pigeon-shooting competitions, firing out over the said barranco.
(News/Noticias: Nigüelas, Valle de Lecrin, Granada, Andalucia)