Third Alhendín Earth Tremor

The Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGN) reported an earth tremor under Alhendín in the early hours of yesterday, registering 2.2 on the Richter Scale.

GRA CM Alhendin Earth Tremor 09MR23The minor seismic event occurred at 04.03h approximately two kilometres down. Nothing was damaged and probably most people weren’t aware of it.

However, it is the second minor earth tremor under Alhendín in less than a week, the previous one being last Monday registering 2.0 and the third within the province in that same time scale, which was under Monachil ten kilometres down. We also reported on one under Malahá on the 25th of February.

Nevertheless, Sierra Nevada is the result of a collision between tectonic plates which are in constant activity, especially in the Mar de Alborán in the Mediterranean between Spain and Morocco and in the Azores area.

Interestingly, when people speak of the earthquake that struck Lisbon in 1755, generating a Tsunami, which between them pretty much destroyed the city (85% of its buildings were destroyed), not to mention the huge fire it provoked, that same Tsunami swept into the Mediterranean causing considerable damage and a death toll along the coast of Andalucía… just saying!

Lisbon Tsunami Reach

(News/Noticias: Alhendin, City & Metropolitan Area, Granada, Andalucia)

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