The western entrance on the N-340 (nearest to Salobreña) is going to be closed to traffic in both directions.
his is due to work on the new roundabout at the end of El Candelón Grande, which takes its name from the aqueduct that passes over it.
It won’t be closed off until 09.30h in order to avoid rush-hour traffice but once closed off, it will remain so until the 31st of May.
To get into and out off the western end of Motril; i.e., where Alcampo is, you will have to continue along the N-340 and enter Motril from the port road, from which you can reach Alcampo, for example, along the Ronda Sur (Avenida Dr. Norman Bethune).
Take the same route to get back out of Motril, otherwise take the Avenida de Salobreña to reach the centre of town.
(News: Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)