Policeman Saves Woman’s Life

An off-duty, police officer belonging to the Policía Nacional saved the life of a woman in Almuñécar, on Sunday.

SPN Policia Nacional GenericShe had been choking on a piece of food and had actually lost consciousness before anybody had intervened.

Fortunately, thanks to the officer’s First-Aid intervention, she recovered on the spot and required no further medical attention.

The incident took place on Sunday the 16th at an eatery in Almuñécar.

The officer, who was nearby, noticed a commotion amongst the tables there and heard a young man asking for help as his female companion, aged around 30, was choking.

The office, who works in the Motril police station, notice that the woman was already blue in the face, so he applied the Heimlich technique whilst at the same time telling the victim’s companion to phone for an ambulance.

Thanks to this technique, the obstruction was soon cleared and she came round immediately. Checking that she was indeed OK, the officer simply left the premises.

(News: Almunecar, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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