Beach Regeneration Begins

The Central Government's department, Costas, has begun lorrying in sand to regenerate the Costa Tropical's depleted beaches.

MOT Regeneration Work on Playa del Cable OC22The loss of sand was due to the February gales along the coast, which is a depressingly reoccurring situation each year.

The Provincial Delegate, Inmaculada López Calahorro, was present for a photo op on Playa de Melicena, accompanied by the Mayor of that municipality (Sorvilán) Pilar Sánchez Sabio.

They have also commenced building a breakwater (groyne) at the eastern end of the beach, near the Peñón de San Patricio.

Costas is spending 1,198,000 euros on regeneration work on beaches in Albuñol (Playa de La Rábita and Playa de El Pozuelo), Sorvilán (Playa de Melicena), Rubite (Playa de Casarones and Playa El Lance) and Almuñécar (Playa de Cotobro).

La Rábita was especially badly hit by wind and wave action, requiring repair work on the existing breakwater.

(News: Almunecar/Albuñol/Sorvilan, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia – Photos: archives)

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