Brussels Ponders Motril Train

The Central Government has finally put forward a Granada-Motril rail link to the EU to be included within the Red Transeuropea de Transportes (TEN-T).

MOT Motril-Granada Rail Link 01It has taken the combined pressure from the Costa Tropical, business sector and politicians of all colours to push Madrid to do this.

When we say the Costa Tropical, business sector we should really say the provincial business sector and even including that belonging to Jaén who would also benefit greatly from a nearby port outlet for their products.

It is much cheaper to move bulk by rail than by road, plus the fact that the contamination produced by a single train is much less than the equivalent fleet of lorries to move the same cargo.

Now it depends on Brussels whether they will include this very important rail link for the province. If they don’t, then one distant day it will come about, but with national funding instead of EU funding.

The socialist Euro MP, Clara Aguilera, defined this decision as only the “first step but a crucial one.”

To quote from Wikipedia: “The Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) is a planned network of roads, railways, airports and water infrastructure in the European Union. The TEN-T network is part of a wider system of Trans-European Networks (TENs), including a telecommunications network (eTEN) and a proposed energy network (TEN-E or Ten-Energy). The European Commission adopted the first action plans on trans-European networks in 1990.

TEN-T envisages coordinated improvements to primary roads, railways, inland waterways, airports, seaports, inland ports and traffic management systems, providing integrated and intermodal long-distance, high-speed routes. A decision to adopt TEN-T was made by the European Parliament and Council in July 1996.The EU works to promote the networks by a combination of leadership, coordination, issuance of guidelines and funding aspects of development.”

You can find more information on the TEN-T by clicking on the Wikipedia link

(News: Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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