Fireball Sighting

A fireball passed over Nerja Tuesday morning at 02.44h at 60,000 kilometres per hour - it was in a hurry.

AXA Fireball NerjaIts trajectory was almost parallel with the ground below, explained José María Madiedo, who is a researcher at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA-CSIC) which keeps track of these celestial events.

It entered the atmosphere 89 kilometres up, more or less above El Madroño in Jaén and crossed the sky heading South-East, flaring out 78 kilometres in altitude over the Mediterranean after passing over Nerja.

The fireball travelled a total of 112 kilometres between entering the atmosphere and consuming itself, during which time it was tracked by astronomical stations in Huelva, La Hita, CAHA, OSN, La Sagra and Sevilla.

News: Nerja, Axarquia, Costa de Sol, Malaga, Andalucia)

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