Chinese Fireballs

In the early hours of today a cluster of fireballs were seen crossing the sky to the South from West to East, but these weren't meteorites but rather a Chinese rocket.

AND Chinese Fireballs JN22A physicist from the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, José María Madiedo, whom the Ideal newspaper always consults on these matters, said that the cluster of fireballs were from one of the stages of the Chang Zheng 2F (CZ-2F) re-entering the atmosphere and desintegrating.

The rocket was launched by the China National Space Administration (CNSA) on the 5th of June as part of the space programme Shenzhou 14.

The trajectory of the space junk re-entering the atmosphere was monitored by the SMART (Southwestern Europe Meteor Network, SWEMN). Re-entry took place over the Atlantic Ocean and crossed Northern Morocco, heading North-East, burning out between Algeria and Spain over the Mediterranean.

Social media was alive with people reporting sitings and the 112 call centre received several calls from different locations across Andalucia.

(News: Andalucia)

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