Rolls Car & Attacks Police

An inebriated driver managed to roll his car in the centre of Guadix and when the police arrived to help, he attacked them. It was bound to end in tears.

GRA Rolls Car in Centre of Guadix AP22The accident took place around 16.30h near the Arco de San Torcuato, and both the Policía Local and the fire service were despatched to the scene of the accident.

The Councillor for Citizen Safety, Antonio Valverde, said that nobody was seriously hurt; not the driver, pedestrians nor the police officers.

However, the officers later reported to the hospital for a medical report to accompany the charge for attacking police officers.

The driver was arrested for drink driving, infringing road safety and attacking police officers.

(News: Guadix, Montes, Granada, Andalucia)

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