The Minister of Public Health for the Junta, Jesús Aguirre, expressed his opinion this morning that there exists the possibility of a change in contagion tendency.
He said this after examining the latest figures and noted a slight drop in contagion cases in the region’s hospitals: 18 fewer cases in 48 hours. This makes the 5th consecutive day with a drop in the 7-day figures.
This optimism remains a mere possibility until the tendency is confirmed over the next few days, he said, whilst visiting the general hospital in Guadix.
Minister Aguirre also explained that Andalucía has 12% of its ICU beds occupied by UC-224 patients whereas the national average is 22%. For this reason he said although the ICU bed demand in the region was “an important number,” it was still half of the amount on a national level.
He concluded by pointing out that Andalucías per-100 figure over 14 days stands at 1,100 cases, compared to the national average of 2.722 per-100k, which he puts down to the high percentage of fully vaccinated population, standing at 93.1%.
(News: Andalucia)