Airshow Controversy

The 5th annual Festival Aéreo de Torre del Mar Air Show went ahead on the 12th of last month with around 230,000 spectators, but there was some controversy.

AND Air Show ControversyThe main opposition party, the PP conservatives, complained that there had been no Plan de Autoprotección in place, or if you prefer, contingency plan, which is obligatory for any event with large crowds.

The difference between a Plan de Autoprotección and a Plan de Contingencia is that the former must be registered with the Junta whereas the latter does not. So it is not a case of whether the event was sufficiently protected but just a case of bureaucracy.

“It was a grave act of irresponsibility; even Protección Civil in an internal memo, recognised this deficiency,” claimed the spokesman for the local branch of the PP, Francisco Delgado, who has submitted a written request for the governing party to clarify what happened. Furthermore, he wants to see the contingency plan for the four previous air shows.

The only thing in place, according to the PP, was an operative and contingency plan drawn up by the Policía Local. The PP intends to take the affair before the Junta de Andalucía and a judge, he added.

The Vice Mayor for Torre del Mar, Jesús Carlos Pérez Atencia (GIPMTM), responded: “it’s  incredible that he who was Mayor until some years ago is only interested in causing damage to this administration, and what is worse, to the good name of Torre del Mar,” adding, “we had a contingency and safety plan in place, submitted to various administrations; one that we have been using over the years so that the air show is carried out as safely as possible.

Editorial comment: I wonder whether Sr. Delgado has demanded the same of the PP Mayor of Motril concerning their air show. Somehow I doubt it.

(News: Torre del Mar, Axarquia, Costa del Sol, Malaga, Andalucia – Photo: E. Cabezas)

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