Hoax: Exempt School Document

SPN Minister of EducationSome parents are reticent about sending their kids to school when the school-year starts later this month because of worries over the pandemia.

For this reason, the number of hoaxes on social media is growing, including a downloadable document which exempts your children from having to attend school.

Readers will remember that there was also certificate going around on social media supposedly exempting the bearer from the need to wear a mask.

This latest hoax or misinformation has prompted the Regional Board of Education to issue an official statement belying the validity of this document, which is making the rounds on Whatsapp: “Physically attending school is obligatory,” categorically states the B.o.E. communiqué.

The said documents states that parents do not need to take their children to school when the junior schools open on the 10th of July, citing the Spanish Constitution and laws governing public education which supposedly support the claim that children do not have to attend school if their parents so wish. The document also says that to date it is not certain whether there will be any classes in classrooms or not.

The online document not only states that school attendance is not necessary but the author also criticises the Junta de Andalucía because its education board has not put into effect measures that guarantee the health of schoolchildren. It concludes by saying that parents have to choose between the health and the education of their children.

It should be remembered that the Junta has never speculated on whether children should physically attend school or not, making it clear, instead, that school attendance is obligatory. However, as education for children of up to five is not obligatory, parents can decide not to send children of that age to school. This is not the case for schoolchildren between the ages of six and sixteen for whom, school attendance is obligatory.

Lastly, the document has no legal validity and will cause problems for the parents, their children of school age and the schools themselves if people pay heed to its contents.

(News: Andalucia)

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