In Motril, the Policía Nacional cracked a criminal organisation allegedly dedicated to forging residency documents for Moroccan citizens.
After extensive investigative work the police carried out two house searches and arrested 15 suspects, all of whom were of Moroccan nationality.
The Magistrate ordered that four of them (ring leaders) be remanded in custody; two men and two women. Furthermore, all of these four suspects have police records for this type of illegal activity.
What led the police to discovering the scam was that one dwelling in Motril was given as the postal address for fourteen Moroccan individuals in order to be registered on the Empadronamiento Municipal, although in reality none of them actually lived there.
The four arrested individual are thought to have obtained between 200 and 10,000 euros per fraudulent residency document.
The gang also bought documents from Moroccan citizens that held legal residency here to be used by ‘hopefuls’ who had similar physical appearance that matched the paperwork. The original owners of the documents would then report them as lost or stolen.
But it doesn’t end there because they gang was also specialised in reporting false reports of gender violence in order to obtain the economic aid given to such victims.
(News: Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)