Old Furniture on the Streets

MOT Dumped Household ItemsTown Hall rubbish-collection workers reported 32 dumped-furniture heaps around Motril with the arrival of summer visitors. Some had been reported by locals, complaining about their presence.

The Mayor, Luisa García Chamorro, asks for residents to be more responsible and to avoiding dumping old furniture, mattresses and other household items on the streets. She reminded them there there are Punto Limpios, which are official dumps, precisely for these kinds of items, which are free.

Such black spots were the hospital roundabout, the Camino de San Antonio next to the medical clinic, the football ground, the Medio Día roundabout, El Santísimo, and the parking area for El Cerrillo. Even in front of the law courts attracted dumped household items.

The Mayor is anxious to do away with this “bad image of the town.”

Editorial comment. this kind of dumping always occurs along the Costa Tropical when the summer starts because people take up residence in the seaside, second homes and decide that their properties need a face lift and throw out old furniture and white goods to make way for new ones. Not all dumping can be put down to this, but a good part can.

(News: Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia – Photo: Ideal)

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