Almuñécar Complaints Whatsapp

ALM Complaints WhatsappIf when you’re walking about Almuñécar or La Herradura you see something that needs fixing or rubbish that needs collecting or even youths to be shot, you now have whatsapp!

Yes, the Town Hall has set up a whatsapp number on which you can send in all your observations and complaints: 680 242 275.

If you don’t have whatsapp – and I wish to God that I didn’t as it never stops binging – then you also have an email address at your disposal:

The good thing about the whatsapp number is that you can send photos of the offending items that you have come across – no shots of your snoring, couch potato husbands, please, Ladies!

“We would like  our residents to be able to inform us about small problems that need attending to, so we urge them to include the number amongst their mobile contacts,” explained the Head of the Maintenance Department, Beatriz González Orce

One last thing; unlike normal whatsapp services, you cannot make phone calls to this number – only recording, texts and photos.

(News: Almunecar, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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