Again, the presence of a Saudi ship allegedly carrying arms in Motril Port has caused protests, this time from Podemos.
The Bahri Hofuf tied up yesterday thus becoming the third Saudi ship to receive the wrath of leftwing parties; two other ships arrived in February and April, 2018.
The arms in question are Spanish ones and the Saudi ships arrived to pick them up. The Central Government decides which ports to use. In other words, Motril Port doesn’t have a say in it.
The irony is that this leftwing party, Podemos, now forms part of the Central Government in a coalition arrangement. Motril Port, on the other hand, has a rightwing-appointed politician at its head – an ex Vice-Mayor of Motril. For this reason the Port Authorities suggests that the local Podemos representatives ask their own superiors about the ship.
The problem is that those that protest are concerned that these Spanish arms are going to end up in Yemen.
The Bahri Hofuf arrived from the US port of Baltimore and stayed approximately eight hours – between 05.00h and 13.00h taking on its cargo before sailing again.
(News: Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)