Three levels of administration have got together on the Plan de Emergencias por Riesgos de Inundaciones y Nevadas for our province.
As you can guess from the title of the committee, it’s all about having adequate response to extreme weather conditions resulting in flooding or heavy snowfall.
Some 600 personnel all over the Province of Granada from different services will be on call for keeping the roads open with even Infoca taking part. Also included are: Protección Civil, Emergency 112, Guardia Civil, Policía Nacional, Autonomic Police and the DGT (Department of Road Traffic).
Within the province there are 29 road-conservation depots with 51 snowploughs between them. They also have some 5,800 tonnes of road salt store and 50,000 litres of brine.
This winter’s campaign counts on a spanking-new snowplough and 200 tonnes of salt more than last year.
However, even though the committee has this amount of machinery, material and personnel at its disposal, it calls upon town halls to earmark machinery such as front loaders, JCBs and personnel for local use as a generalised snowfall would have all the committee assets out working on the main and secondary road networks.
(News: Granada, Andalucia)