The Vote Bazaar

MOT Antonio EscámezWhat has happened in Motril is arguably a demonstration of how for some politicians, neither ideology nor the good of the town even enters into their equations.

Councillor Antonio Escámez, leader of the Más Motril party, excelled himself on Friday, the very eve of the swearing-in ceremony of the new Mayor and councillors.

In 2015, he deserted his ally conservatives and lent his party’s vote to the socialists, reportedly because the conservative mayor wouldn’t drop her right-hand man, with whom Sr. Escámez had a personal grudge, it seems.

Then after four years in the choicest post of Councillor for Urban Development with its corresponding salary & perks, he deserted the socialists and offered his support to back the conservatives in their bid for the Mayoralty.

It was all agreed, although he wouldn’t be getting his previous position, and the very next day at 10.00h in the morning there was to be a press conference in a hotel announcing the arrangement… but he didn’t turn up. The conservative candidate for Mayor, Sra. García Chamorro, drove around the block, like a anxious bride, waiting forlornly for an absent bridegroom to make an appearance.

It was only later in the afternoon that it came to light that he had been with the socialist candidate discussing ‘possibilities’ but he obviously didn’t get what he wanted with Sra. Almón, so he sidled back over to the conservatives, who finally agreed to offer him what he really wanted – the Urban Development post; something that the main coalition partners, Ciudadanos, had already earmarked for themselves.

Reportedly, the hasty arrangement with which the Sra. Garcia Chamorro hoped to satisfy both Sr. Escámez and her main partners was to split the post into three areas, with the three coalition parties getting one each. However, at the time of writing of this article (Friday night), it is not known whether Ciudadanos will accept this, or alternatively the coalition is off and Sra. Flor Almón has a chance again for re-election.

(News/Opinion: Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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