Los Guájares Brush Fire

GRA Large Info HelicopterThere was a mountain-brush fire in area of Los Guájares yesterday evening, which broke out a little before 18.00h.

A total of 26 fire fighters, a fire coordinator, fire engines and helicopters were used. By 21.30, the Infoca information centre had announced that the fire was under control.

Fortunately, Los Guájares is very close to the Infoca airbases at Tablones (Órgiva) where there are helicopters, and La Resinera (Jayena) where there are both helicopters and a Sky Tractor plane.

The last such fire in the area was in September 2017, which required a larger deployment of fire-fighting resources. You can follow this link to watch the accompanying video in that article, which clearly shows flames not far from dwellings.

(News: Los Guajares, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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