Katana in the Calle

AND Katana PedestrianYou might see a pedestrian walking with an umbrella or with a mobile, or even a newspaper, but you have to be in good old Granada to see one with a katana.

The municipal police were surprised, and a touch apprehensive no doubt, when they came across a man in his mid 50s striding along the Carrera del Darro with this Japanese sword on his way to the Paseo de los Tristes one fine Sunday.

They had been tipped off by passersby as to his whereabouts and finally caught up with him on Calle Gloria. Fortunately, the man put up no resistance to being disarmed but even so, he won’t be pleased about what’s in store for him for strolling around Granada with a katana.

In fact he is looking at a fine between 601 euros to 30,000 euros, owing to Ley Orgánica 4/2015, which clearly states you can’t wander around carrying weapons, just in case you were thinking of taking that bazooka that you have in your garage for a stroll…

Finally, just to annoy the Editor, I will point out that 600 euros is 100,000 pesetas and 30,000 euros is 5,000,000 pesetas… and it’s no coincidence.

(News: Metropolitain Granada, Andalucia)

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