There was some confusion yesterday over a mountain-fire incident, because there were in fact two and one of them was incorrectly located by Infoca at first.
The first fire was placed at the mouth of the Gorgoracha tunnel, but then the Infoca rectified the statement and placed it at Cerro Gordo, and then a second fire was announced in La Rijana area (near Gualchos municipal border). Both fires were in the Motril area.
The first fire was reported just before 12.00h, where 56 fire fighters, a medical unit, five fire trucks and a helicopter were deployed. The fire was declared “controlled” at 19.30h.
This second fire was reported around 14.30h. Six, Infoca fire fighters and one fire truck, together with a unit from the Motril fire service were deployed. This fire was declared “stabilised” at 15.37h.
The helicopter was pulled out with nightfall and the crews working on both fires are now proceeding to finish putting them out. If the wind does not increase, by daybreak, they should, hopefully, be both out.
(News: Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)