Molvizar Fire Suspect

SAL Molvizar mountain fire August 2018The Andalusian Regional Police are investigating a man in connection with the recent mountain-shrub fire in Molvízar Thursday past.

The fire, which was finally declared “extinguished” at 13.20h Friday afternoon, was thought to have been caused by the sparks from a radial saw that the man had been using on his land in the area known as La Zajonailla.

But he is not the only person under investigation by this police force as there are nine individuals connected with different fires within the Province of Granada.

The statistics for last year show that 88% of the fires investigated by the police unit attached to the Andalusian Environmental Department have led to prosecutions – 15 out of 17 forest fires – with 18 people due to appear before a magistrate..

(News: Molvizar, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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