Air Show Access Advice

MOT Airshow Traffic RestrinctionsThe Councillor for Citizen Safety, María Ángeles Escámez, has advised on the logical traffic difficulties that the Motril Air Show will bring about.

The Policia Local will be out in force directing the traffic on the 17th down to, and along the beach area. Spectators are urged to get down there early and find adequate parking long before it starts.

The councillor explained about access to the airshow area, which is next to Villa Astrida (Belgian King’s old residence) on Playa Granada, pointing out that you can get there if you use the Camino del Pelaíllo and the direct access road to Playa Granada from the N-340-Granada junction, as the best bet.

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(News: Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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