A ship carrying armament will be docking at Motril Port and it seems that some are not happy about this pending arrival.
The ship in question is the Bahri Jaza, a Saudi ship, which has already set sail from Santander in the north of Spain and should dock on the 17th. However, the stay is brief; only a few hours to load explosives from Granada.
It is the Central Government who chooses what ports will be used for the export of arms and munitions.
The Bahri Jazan is the sister ship of Bahri Hofuf, which paid a controversial visit to Motril port on February the 17th. It too had had come down from Santander after the Port of Bilbao had rejected its presence, thanks to the campaign led by Greenpeace.
The reason that Greenpeace and other organisations are against this cargo is that they consider that the Saudis will use it in their campaign in Yemen.
The Bahri Jazan is a Ro-Ro-type cargo ship built in 2013 and was, at the time of the writing of the article (yesterday evening), just off the Galicia coast, in front of Ferrol.
(News: Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada Andalucia)