Ina Lauboeck

Ina Lauboeck – 13/10/1959 – 15/09/2015

Obit Ina OnLIna was my German sister; her family my second family and I share their loss in my heart – she was quite simply a beautiful person.

Born in Munich in October 1959, she moved here as a 15-year-old teenager with her family in 1974, settling first in Fuengirola before moving to Almuñécar. She fast became an integral member of the Spanish community, as well as the foreign one.

Her passion was horses and was never happier than when she was around them, becoming a central figure in the horse fraternity in Almuñécar and La Herradura.

When Ina asked you how you were, she genuinely meant it, wanting to know, and when she gave you a hug, she hugged you with her heart. She was that kind of person.

We were already friends when in 1983 I bumped into her in a bar in Almuñécar with an Austrian friend, whom she had brought back to Spain to show him her Almuñécar. It was Georg Hvizdalek, the original publisher of the Gazette.

We were always both in a hurry, running in different directions, promising to have that coffee together and the last time that I saw her, just days before her death, it was one of those occasions – I was too busy to sit and share a moment as good friends do. I’m sorry, Ina.

Besides her mother, Piroska and four sisters: Alice, Iris, Yvonne and Jasmin, she leaves behind an adult son, Marco and for the last seven years, the love of her life, Antonio.

…She also leaves behind a hole in our hearts. Everybody loved Ina; how could they not?

In loving memory
her family and friends.

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