Incomprehensible Shuffle

Father Ignacio, parish priest of Espiel in Cordoba, stands accused of sexual abuse against a minor – a 10-year-old boy.

The said priest was removed from the parish of Espiel and… simply moved just 30 kilometres down the road to continue as a parish priest at Villanueva del Duque.

Locals from both Espiel and the new parish of Father Ignacio are livid and cannot understand the reasoning of the Archbishop, who instead of suspending the priest until the trial, merely moved him literally, just down the road.

Readers might naturally feel that the priest, until proven otherwise, is innocent, and they would be right, but this controversial priest has already served 6-years’ imprisonment back in the 90’s for belonging to a terrorist organization and carrying out terrorist acts against politicians and abortion clinics… so he’s hardly Mother Theresa.

(News: Espiel, Cordoba, Andalucia)

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