Sewage Treatment Plant for Albuñol

ECO albuñol sewage plant  OnLThanks to a court ruling, Albuñol will be able to build a sewage recycling plant.

The judicial hold-up started when the Junta placed a fine on the Albuñol Town Hall for dumping sewage into the rambla – trouble is that Albuñol does that because the Junta still hasn’t built the long-awaited sewage treatment plant – and by long awaited, we mean 20 years.

Anyway, the judge sentenced that the Town Hall didn’t have to pay the fine of 1,426 euros, together with 413 euros in compensation for “damaging public waterways.” The judge even went further and criticised the Junta for fining an entity for an action that was a direct result of the Junta’s own shortfalls.

But sewage treatment plant there will be, because the Regional Board for the Environment has ordered the project drawn up and the contract put up for bidding, with a budget of 6m euros.

The site for the plant is on a strip of land on the west bank of the rambla, just above the A-7 bridges over the same, with an area of 11,000 sq/m.

When the installations are finished, 14,600 people will be able to flush the toilets in their bathrooms without having a re-encounter further down the valley.

(News: Albuñol, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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